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Neral graduated from the War Academy in 2344 and subsequently served in the praetorial guard (Sherman, S., Shwartz, J.: Vulcans Heart). Around 2350 his whole family was killed in a Klingon attack - nonetheless later during the Dominion war, he considered an alliance with the Klingons (Tales of the Dominion War, Blood Sacrifice). In 2368 Neral became Proconsul and speaker of the Senate. In this position he worked closely with the Tal Shiar to expose the work of the Vulcan-Romulan unification dissident-movement. However, Nerals plan of a military invasion of Vulcan failed because of the intervention of Captain Picard from the "Enterprise" and Spock. (Star Trek TNG episodes "Unification" I & II). But Nerals merits were considered great enough to entrust him with the office of the praetor in 2374 during the Dominion war (Star Trek DS9 episode "In the pale moonlight"). He was killed with Neirrh-Birds by Senator Hiren in 2377 (Sherman, S. Shwartz, J.: Vulcans Soul, Epiphany).

Norman Large as Proconsul Neral


Sela is the daughter of Starfleet officer Tasha Yar from an alternate universe and the Romulan general Volskiar (Sherman, S., Shwartz, J.: Vulcans Heart).She was born in 2345. Her mother was executed in 2349 after trying to escape back to Federation space, along with her daughter (Star Trek TNG, episode "Redemption"). Sela became a member of the Tal Shiar and startet a promising carreer there. She was involved in some highly sensitive plans, such as the the Klingon civil war (Star Trek TNG, episode "Redemption") or the destruction of the Vulcan-friendly dissident movement and the following plans for an invasion on Vulcan in 2368 (Star Trek TNG episode "Unification"). But those plans failed and resulted in destroyed ships and many lost lives. Sela fell from grace and got a minor assignmet on the borders of the Empire. There she succeeded in winning the planet Elohsia as new meber of the Romulan Empire, against the diplomatic work of Captain Picard on behalf of the Federation (Novel: Greenberger, R.: The Romulan Stratagem). As a consequence, she won back her carreer, and in 2375 she was in command of a small fleet of Warbirds (Novel: David, P.: Double or Nothing (Double Helix # 5). In 2376 she held the rank of Admiral and managed to dismiss a Borg invasion of Romulan space as well as the demolition of her old Klingon enemies (Star Trek PC-Game Armada). In 2379, after the Shinzon coup, Sela became the trusted agent of the new praetor Tal'Aura. In 2384 she was named Proconsul, after her predecessor Tomalak was defeated by the separatists under Donatra and consequently removed from office. After Tal'Auras assassination one year later Sela made a run for the office of praetor herself, but had no success (Star Trek MMORPG Star Trek Online, Timeline). 2386, after continuous shifting power struggles, she is exiled, but after the destruction of the homeworlds (Star Trek XI) she returned, eventually gained the office of Praetor and in 2408, she was crowned Empress of the New Romulan Star Empire (Star Trek Online).


Denise Crosby as Sela

Sela in "Star Trek Online" - looking slightly more Romulan



He was commander of a warbird patrolling the Neutral Zone in the late 2360ies and had various hostile encounters with Starfleet, especially Captain Picard from the "Enterprise" and defined the picture the Federation had from Romulan military. Tomalak was a very traditionalist and militarist member of his species and always had the support of his superiors on behalf of his loyalty. For instance he was part of the scheme to expose Admiral Jarok as potential traitor (Star Trek TNG episode "The defector"). After the Shinzon-coup he supported Tal'Auras claim for power and fought against the military loyal to Commander Donatra. For his achievements Tal'Aura appointed him Proconsul. (Mangels, A., Martin, M.A.: Star Trek Titan. Taking Wing).


Andreas Katsulas as Commander Tomalak

Valdore i'Kaleh tr'Ihaimehn

He came from a senatorial family and had a seat in the senate himself. But as he questioned the politics of expansion, he was expelled and choose a military career. In 2154 Admiral Valdore oversaw a secret operation with the goal to prevent the Vulcans, Humans, Andorians and Tellarites from forming an alliance, seen as a major threat to the Romulan Empire. He used an unmanned droneship, navigated with a telepresence unit by an captured Aeanar. (Star Trek Enterprise Episodes "Babel One" & "United")

As the plan failed, Valdore as responsible went into prison, but was freed by the Praetor to help against the newly formed 'Coalition of Planets'. In this campaign he ordered the devastation of the Coridan dilithium mines, what brought a disadvantage for the Coalition - but he himself considered this deed as despicable and not worthy for the military. (Mangels, A., Martin, M.A.: The Good that Men do).

Nonetheless he became a prominent figure in the war against Earth and the Coalition and a hero among his people. The new romulan battle-cruiser-type was named after him.