Deutsche Version



Full citizen rights by birth have all Rihannsu, their hybrids and other vulcanoid species. Members of other species, particularly those of the clientstates and colonies, can make a request for citizenship, if they have enough merits for the empire. The citizenship is granted in a solemn formal act, and afterwards the new citizen has the same rights as every Romulan. He also can take over public offices. All other inhabitants of the empire, who are no citizens, have a protected status, but for instance they are not allowed to bear arms ore vote (Star Trek RPG Sourcebook "The way of D'Era"). Slaves are on the bottom of the society, but it is possible to gain freedom and therefore win more social status (Novel: Duane, D.: The Romulan Way).


THE SENATE (deihu'hrei)

The Imperial Senate on Romulus (Ch'Rihan) is the political heart of the Empire (Novel: Duane, D.: My enemy my Ally). The great, circular shaped Hall of the Senate is situated in the capital. The senate discusses and passes the legislation and controls the distribution of the ressources for the military(Star Trek RPG Sourcebook "The way of D'Era"). He also appoints the governors for the colonies.

A Session in the Senatehall (Star Trek "Nemesis")

The elected 'president of the senate' has the title Proconsul. The senate consists of hundreds of members, each one representing a province of the Empire. repräsentiert. If a seat becomes empty, a new senator is chosen via cooptation. Every citizen, not only full-blooded Romulans, can run for the office. Some seats have a tendency to become hereditary. There are various political fractions within the senate, which make shifting alliances (Star Trek RPG Sourcebook "The way of D'Era").


THE PRAETOR (fvillha)

The Praetor is chosen by the senate as representative of the Empire and of all it's citizens, as supreme executive power and supreme military commander. For that reason he has to be a popular figure and with flawless moral conduct. "The honor of the Praetor is the honor of the Empire", goes an old Romulan saying. Often military veterans with a long list of merits gain the office. It is, however, not required to belong to one of the noble families, but the political support of those families is essential for a candidate. The office is granted for lifetime, but a Praetor can be removed from office by vote of the senate (Star Trek RPG Sourcebook "The way of D'Era").

Known Praetors



The Continuing Committee supports the Praetor in his executive tasks. Members are the Director of the Tal Shiar, three deputies of the admiralty, the Proconsul, the Viceproconsul and the leaders of the singular political fractions within the senate.

The Committee functions as a forum for discussion and the search of agreement and balance between the military, the senate and the secret service. Decisions are made via poll; a simple majority is decisive (Star Trek RPG Sourcebook "The way of D'Era"). In case of an accusation against a member of the senate, the Continuing Committee is the reponsible court (Star Trek Deep Space 9-Episode "Inter Arma silent Leges").


A Session of the Continuing Committee (DS9 "Inter Arma enim silent Leges")




The last Emperor of the old dynasties was deposed in the 17th century terran time. In 2267 Fleet-Commander Ael t'Rllaillieu declared herself Empress. Her dynasty lasted until Emperor Shiarkiek's assassination in 2374, but was merely constitutional in the last decades. After the Shinzon-coup the Fleet-Commander Donatra declared herself Empress of the independent Imperial State. She hold this position until 2384, when the two Romulan states were reunited (Star Trek MMORPG Timeline).

Known Emperors



The Tal Shiar is the secret service and security police of the Empire. It was founded in 2344 terran time after the reorganisation of former security forces (Novel: Sherman/Shwartz: Vulcans Heart). The Tal Shiar is highly privileged and has own research and training facilities and a fleet for his sole purposes (Star Trek Deep Space 9-Episode: "Der geheimnisvolle Garak"). The Chairman of the Tal Shiar is appointed by the Praetor and confirmed by the senate. The senate is able to remove him from office, but only in an unanimous vote, which has never happen until now (Star Trek RPG Sourcebook "The way of D'Era"). In the chain of command all Tal Shiar officers outrank the normal military personal. This leads to various forms of discord (Star Trek TNG Episode:"Face of the Enemy").

Departments of the Tal Shiar (Star Trek RPG Sourcebook "The way of D'Era")


Known Chairmans